Rehab Power Hour


Can a Pneumatic Pump System Help Stroke Survivors?

With Dr. Nick Housley 22nd Nov, 21

There are many types of robotic systems that assist stroke survivors with regaining control over their motor functions. One of those robotic systems is the pneumatic pump system which works as an impedance control mechanism where they can actually clamp someone’s movements in a given range of motion.

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Can You Detect Increases In Range Of Motion With Motus Nova?

With Dr. Nick Housley 19th Nov, 21

Motus Nova uses high-dose repetitive task practice to help you improve the range of motion and strength of the arm. It will also reduce stiffness in muscles that will help in relieving your pain. Further, Motus Nova increases functional capacity and assists you in translating the detected range of motion on Motus Nova into actual tasks.

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What Is Hypertonicity?

With Dr. Nick Housley 19th Nov, 21

Hypertonicity is muscle tightness (increased tone), which makes moving body parts more difficult (resistance to movement). It is caused when parts of the brain find it hard to send the right signals to muscles. For example, the brain may not be able to ‘turn on’ a muscle or may ‘turn on’ a muscle too much.

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8 Years Post Stroke, Strengthening The Ankle And Foot For Walking

With Dr. Nick Housley 17th Nov, 21

Motus Foot provides you with active assistance for functional improvement in stroke recovery. You can improve your walking speed and endurance. Also, it will help you improve your range of motion and strength in your foot and ankle so that you can walk even eight years after the stroke.

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Why Do Passive Motion Devices Not Heal The Brain?

With Dr. Nick Housley 16th Nov, 21

A stroke rehabilitation program may use active and passive motion devices. Passive motion devices assist you in increasing your range of motion without engaging your muscles. However, active motion devices can heal the brain of stroke survivors because they need muscle engagement.

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How To Incorporate The Motus Hand Into Your Rehab Routine

With Dr. Nick Housley 14th Nov, 21

Motus Hand is a relatively tractable and small robotic device for stroke survivors with an actuator in it that can actually contract and relax. Further, you can adjust its orientation according to the stature of your hand by moving the joint segment.

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