The Motus Hand

The Motus Hand is a FDA Class 1 at-home stroke rehab robot in the world with active assistance. Scientific studies have shown The Motus Hand induces equivalent functional improvements to those observed with standard clinical care. Motus technology uses high-dose repetitive task practice to to help stroke survivors improve activities of daily living. Moreover, the Motus Hand can help improve range of motion and strength of your arm and increase functional capacity.

The Motus Hand can be shipped to all 50 states in the US.

The Motus Hand is covered by Medicare and most major insurances under HCPCS code E0739.

Every shipment comes with The Motus Hand, Touch Screen & Digital Therapist, and Power Cord.

Motus Nova
Based on 186 reviews
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Yoshie Obara
Yoshie Obara
00:17 15 Oct 24
I had great customs service experienceHer name is lori ..she follow me with phone calls step by step it's not easy when someone not next to me..And I send email to her she always response me quickly.We have time different but there's no choice..thank you lori.Her name is lia..she always text me and uodate my order etc..thank you for your outstanding customer service!!.Also his name is Joe..he text me quickly about my online chatting reservation great customers service communicate.Thank you for your time!!!!I need more times to figout how to used this machine..hope someone next to me to how to used....
Nisha Bhatt
Nisha Bhatt
15:34 26 Sep 24
Great devices! I started with the hand and now the foot - they’ve definitely helped and the trials are great!
19:49 12 Sep 24
I've been using the Motus Nova hand for 43 straight days. I've had gains of 9.9% based on all my research this is great gains in such a short time. The path to recovery is long and hard, but I believe Motus Nova helps speed the recovery.
Mike Pham
Mike Pham
13:26 28 Apr 24
I have great support from Motus Nova , I'm using Motus Hand twice a day, small improvement but it's help me and good to try.
Shahrukh Panjwani
Shahrukh Panjwani
03:16 12 Apr 24
My younger brother had a brain hemorrhage & stroke. Their device came into the house and changed the way he approaches therapy. They gamify it, focus on who he is as a person, and are supporting him all the way with their home based program. It's amazing even the micro to macro results he's achieved so far!
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Spasticity and Tone: Improve Flexibility

Users of the Motus Hand report that they have reduced spasticity and tone. This is often associated with increased flexibility and more comfort while they perform additional rehab. Reducing the adverse effects of hyper-tonicity and spasticity can also help reduce the probability of developing contractures.

Strengthening: Improve Grip

The Motus Hand helps survivors of neurologic injury improve the strength of their upper extremities with a specific focus on hand and finger strengthening. This ultimately helps with improved functions such as grooming, toileting, and feeding.

Gross Motor: Improve Gross Motor Skills

As you begin your neurorehab journey, the Motus Hand helps you learn to grossly extend and flex your wrist and hand. These components are foundational elements to gain the ability to open and close your hand so you can get back to your activities of daily living.

Coordination: Improve Fine Motor Skills

The Motus Hand helps stroke survivors improve the coordination of their extrinsic finger flexors and extensors, the primary muscles contributing to fine motor skills. Moreover, through the integration of more complex therapeutic exercises in the virtual environment, the Motus Hand helps you improve dynamic, visually-guided movements, which are critical for real-world function.


Designed for use at home

Active Assistance

A Pneumatic Pump designed to assist even those with limited or no range of motion


Reinforcing brain signals when making correct movements


Making therapy more engaging with challenging and fun games


A system designed to adapt to your rehab needs


Track changes to your strength and range of motion in real time

Personalized Customer Support

Our specialists are here to help


What You’ll Receive:

Touchscreen with Digital Therapist

Power Cord

Motus Hand